Triangle UFO described low over Fort Worth
Originally written & reported by Kianu Starr - all rights reserved.
As of the day of this posting, I'm reminiscing about my own personal UFO sighting experience. The story has been posted online following a report I submitted to the Mutual UFO Network, (MUFON), shortly after the sighting, as I wanted to preserve as many details as possible. For the most part, I shared all, but to this day have kept a few details regarding this experience to myself in order to hold my experience somewhat sacred, even if only for my own gratification. The event has led to interesting journeys and insights, as I began a group on Facebook called, "UFO Connection 2012" which later became "UFO Connection & Paranormal Society" after the excitement of the "world's end" passed the 2012 deadline. It was a great decision, as the group's dedicated and trusted administrators Brian Preece, Toyshika Peterson and yours truly watched the membership rapidly expand to well over 50,000 members,
The group still exists to this day, but has been taken "secret" due to our inability to maintain the quality of the membership. Below, the "story" is mine... regardless of how may persons have shared it via the internet over the years and it is the original report I submitted to MUFON which describes what I saw. In terms of what I felt, there was the usual "cognitive dissonance" that's to be expected when the reality you thought you knew, clashes with the reality that's invading; however, as I was realizing this event was truly happening, I felt a surprising level of calmness take over me... everything felt natural and familiar. What does that really say? ... I don't know, but that is how it went.
I've had hours and hours of radio interviews and others have reported similar experiences of that calmness... not the wigging out, going crazy or feeling fearful that most would expect. I hope you enjoy the article and I hope that if there's anyone out there who has been hesitant to share their personal experience out of concerns of not being taken seriously, I can personally attest that UFOs are real, whether we're making them here, or they're from another planet... or we've somehow reverse-engineered technology from crashed vehicles.
Happy UFO witness anniversary to me! Kianu Starr, December 10, 2016. My report story follows:
A Texas witness in Fort Worth near Benbrook Lake reports a triangle-shaped UFO with “three soft, glowing, well defined lights beneath” moving slowly and silently across the sky at 7:45 a.m. on December 10, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The shape of the craft looked like a dark silhouette.
“The shape of the craft was distinguishable as a dark silhouette against the background of the early morning sky, and the three equally proportioned lights were the dominant feature,” the witness stated. “At a higher altitude, there was a military fighter aircraft too small to identify, but was still audible. I watched for about two minutes, as the craft grew closer and eventually passed directly overhead.”
The witness was unable to take a photograph or video of the object, but submitted a photo that “fits the description.” The MUFON report was filed on January 11, 2011.
Texas is a current UFO ALERT 3 rating, with a higher number of UFO sightings nationally. Texas had 26 UFO reports in December 2011. California led the nation with 45 sighting reports.
You can read more details about other recently reported cases at the UFO Examiner home page. The most up-to-date UFO information can be heard at web radio show UFO Traffic Report every Wednesday, 9 – 10:30 p.m. EST, which includes a UFO Witness Testimony Program segment, and an update of the UFO ALERT national rating system. Past shows are available at the Archive page.
The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade. If Texas MUFON State Director Steve Hudgeons investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to
TX, December 10, 2010 – Triangle shaped vehicle, 3 huge lights beneath floating overhead at low altitude…very silent. MUFON Case # 27354.
The sighting occurred over my southern facing home in southwest Fort Worth near Benbrook Lake in the early morning hours at 7:45 AM Central Standard Time on December 10, 2010 (I confirmed the date and time by reviewing my text message to a friend with whom I shared the experience).
I was rolling out the garbage bins for Friday morning Pick-up and the triangular shaped craft, with 3 soft glowing well defined lights beneath, was moving very slowly at a diagonal from my right to the left with no sound. I am accustomed to seeing aircraft which originate from or travel toward Carswell, AFB; however, this craft was on a trajectory outside of the usual flight paths I’ve witnessed.
The shape of the craft was distinguishable as a dark silhouette against the background of the early morning sky, and the 3 equally proportioned lights were the dominant feature. At a higher altitude, there was a military fighter aircraft too small to identify, but was still audible. I watched for about 2 minutes, as the craft grew closer and eventually passed directly overhead.
I looked to my left and saw a neighbor in the car about 3 houses down; however, this person was not a co-witness. I remained in place and continued to watch. In the time I looked left again, toward my neighbor’s moving car, the craft disappeared in a blink.
My initial thought was that in a clear blue sky, I should be able to reacquire the craft, as there was no way a conventional aircraft could have disappeared so suddenly. The sky was cloudless, my view was unobstructed. I was unable to take a picture at that moment, but have discovered a photo that fits the description, the time of day and similar weather conditions under which I witnessed the UFO.
- Kianu Starr

We're interested in all things UFO, Extraterrestrial and Exopolitical. Like-minded people and skeptics as well, are always welcomed. "UFO Connection 2012" and "UFO Connection & Paranormal Society are established SECRET Facebook Groups with well over 50,000 Members, engaged in reaching out, coming together and making a difference through discussions, sharing videos, events and important news as we grow closer to "Disclosure."
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Monday, October 24, 2016
Dr. John Mack: Anomalous Experiences and Transformation of Consciousness 10.25.2002
Anomalous Experiences and the Transformation of Consciousness is one of the final presentations related to alien encounters given by Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack.
Recorded October 25, 2002 at the International Conference on Altered States of Consciousness, Albuquerque, NM.
The original synopsis of the lecture: "UFO encounters, near death experiences, shamanic journeys, and spontaneous religious epiphanies all have the power to bring about a significant transformation of consciousness. By this is meant that the experiencers’ worldview, as internalized in the course of their upbringing and inculcation in this culture, is shattered. This, in turn, results in the potential opening of heart and spirit to a wider appreciation of reality and a (re)connection to realms of the sacred and divine. In this lecture I will discuss how this process occurs in specific cases, and its implications for social and cultural change."
UFO: The Real Deal | National Geographic Documentary HD
The enterprising Extraterrestrial who wants to visit Earth in a UFO, faces a number of daunting challenges. This program examines the advanced technologies an Off-planet being would need, with an emphasis on concepts for interstellar travel which humans are still exploring.
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