Friday, March 4, 2011

The New Humans - Starchildren & Indigos

Suggested by "UFO Connection 2012" Group Members, Timothy Carender & Maya Blue


Mary Rodwell presented testimony from over 1600 cases, that indicates how advanced extraterrestrial intelligences are preparing the human psyche to accept their presence on our planet. Evidence of complex extraterrestrial programs, which will enable us to interact with and communicate with them, as well as understand our place in the cosmos.
This involves downloads of data such as our true genetic origins, using our psi skills with advanced technology, manipulation of matter, astrophysics and healing. Coupled with genetic, and spiritual programs for awakening of human consciousness, to assist humanity to evolve into a fully functional multidimensional human, Homo Noetics. The New Humans.

Mary Rodwell presented "The New Human - Starchildren & Indigos" on Sunday 8th August, 2010 at the Leeds Exopolitics Expo.


  1. The Aliens which are showing their light are our friends and they know that EARTH is destroyed it will destroy the whole universe and all life will be converted into Dark Energy and people all around the universes and civilizations will become a slave to the Dark Aliens which we in our mythology called Evil.
    They are warning us that the other ones are coming towards us the spies and commanders of both sides are around us from ancient times they have shared this knowledge among us through mythological books ,manuscripts symbols and today they are spreading it trough media, television, internet, you-tube , animation films, movies etc.The war has been called from ancient times of our past as Wars between Gods and Demons, Devtas and Rakshasha's .
    Science and Religion were made to make us understand that we are not alone in this universe but we devised it as a device to differentiate us this was also planned by the Dark Ones and their agents around, and finally they created a weapon which could raise war among brothers all around and that wepon was MONEY.

  2. when i see the man made flying saucer technology released first,then i will believe it might really happen.maybe.
